Friday, July 10, 2015


Well, we made it half way through the school year! It's been quite a year so far and so much fun seeing my students grow and change this first semester. They are getting better at speaking English and have learned so many things. This last month, my kids have been super busy creating projects to go with our units of study.

Growing seeds in a mini "greenhouse". It was fun eating the fruits and veggies during this lab. 

These are "recycling" materials I collected for our projects.
We don't have a budget here to spend money so every thing we do comes out of my pocket. 

I have to get creative!

They made insects, arthropods, crustaceans, and sea specimens for our "Land and Sea World" 


They had fun with this typing exercise!
Learning keyboarding on the Mac's. 

Making "stamens, stigmas, and anthers"
during the pollinating flowers unit! 
These are the lanterns we made during the "Lantern Festival"
while singing "This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine!"

Our classroom pet....(for just a day though.... lol)

Getting their hands dirty making VOLCANOES! They loved it!

Fun little bird feeders to take home and feed the birds!

A low budget version of  "bottle people" while we studied  the culture of  Asia.
They loved doing this project.
These were blown up paper dolls wrapped around a bottle!
Ok. Not sure why no one is smilling....
I guess I took the picture without saying "cheese". 

Making wagons during our "Pioneer Days".
So excited my boys loved "Little House on the Prairie"!
Civil War unit included studying Abraham Lincoln, Harriet Tubman,
Clara Barton, Andrew Johnson and acting out the "Underground Railroad"
in Reader's Theater. They loved it!

Having some puzzle fun the last day before Summer break.

Yes, my "Math Olympiads" loved my Rummikub game! 

Addressing the issue of the MERS virus in Seoul, the school took safety precautions.


Many of you have asked what my apartment and surrounding area is like so I also decided to include pictures of my apartment and the streets that are outside. There is a military base on the other side of the subway and I live right next door to a grocery store, many restaurants, a pharmacy, and a coffee shop. The fresh food market that happens every day ending in 2 or 7 is right outside my apartment and allows me to cook fresh veggies every night for dinner and have fresh fruit for breakfast. So convenient!

I live in Yangjusi, Gyeonggi-do, and this is my two bed room apartment.... my twin bed and my futon! I have an oven.... it's a "toaster" oven but hey, I've still made banana bread in it! I haven't missed having a microwave either because I cook everything fresh. For most of the year so far, I've kept my windows open as there's a nice breeze that flows through in the evening. There's also a refreshing "rain" shower head and although my space may be small, I love the minimalist lifestyle I'm living right now! It has everything I need and frees up my weekends from cleaning so that I can travel and explore this beautiful country. 

The view from my window!
Watching the sunset from my window.

I live on the 14th floor of this newly built high rise.

Subway station conveniently across the street. 

Restaurants and pharmacy just downstairs. 

Deokjung Station

Military base on the other side of the subway. 

Now, it's time to take my Summer off and enjoy traveling. Keelie comes to visit for 10 days! Can't wait. Stay tuned for more travel posts soon from China, Thailand, and the Philippines!

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